
One Bread, One Body - Reflection for March 4, 2018


"Jesus would not trust Himself to them because He knew them all. He needed no one to give Him testimony about human nature. He was well aware of what was in man's heart." –John 2:24-25

Someone told me that the Ten Commandments have never been more disobeyed in the history of the human race than they are right now. Anytime we put something or someone ahead of God, we break the first of the Ten Commandments and fall into the sin of idolatry (see Ex 20:3). Regarding the second commandment, we constantly broadcast taking God's name in vain for millions to hear this sin (see Ex 20:7). Do we keep holy the Sabbath and the Lord's Day? (Ex 20:8) Do few people work on Sunday? Do we celebrate Jesus' resurrection each Sunday, or is Sunday a day for the false gods of self, money, pleasure, and sports?

Are parents being more honored than they used to be? (see Ex 20:12) Do your children obey you better than you obeyed your parents? In one year in the USA alone, we kill well over nine million babies through surgical and chemical abortions, yet the Lord forbids us to kill (see Ex 20:13). Are adultery and fornication things of the past? (see Ex 20:14) Is almost everyone a virgin when he or she gets married? Is it rare for a married person to cheat on his or her spouse? Do divorced people fall into sexual sin? Do we need less police, locks, and security because there is less stealing than there used to be? (see Ex 20:15) Does anyone bear false witness in court, on the job, in conversation, or on TV? (see Ex 20:16) Are we being taught not to covet, or are we taught to get what we want even if we have to sin? (Ex 20:17)

PRAYER: Father, may I take the plank out of my eyes so that I can get the speck out of others' eyes (Mt 7:5).
PROMISE: "For God's folly is wiser than men, and His weakness more powerful than men." —1 Cor 1:25
PRAISE: Glory to You, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

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Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:

· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College