
About is the first Catholic web portal that allows users to choose their own content, layout, and preferences. It offers daily Mass readings, reflections, news, commentary, custom RSS/Atom feeds, a Catechism study, links, tools, and more.

About Sacred Heart Media

Sacred Heart Media's mission is to use cutting-edge technology to develop innovative Catholic websites that are simple, elegant, fast and easy to use. Their other websites include,, and

Content Disclaimer specializes in delivering high-quality Catholic content that a broad audience will enjoy. Much of this content comes in the form of links to third-party sources. While we only try to link to faithful and trustworthy sources, the sites we link to are developed by people over whom we have no control. Furthermore, our users are both conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat, traditional and untraditional Catholics. As a result, some people may occasionally find the content and/or the sites we link to objectionable, inappropriate, or even offensive. A link to any other website does not imply an endorsement or recommendation by We provide these links to other sites as a service to our readers. We assume no responsibility for the content of any site linked to by our service.