
One Bread, One Body - Reflection for August 23, 2016


The Lord "has made the world firm, not to be moved." –Psalm 96:10

Satan tries to disturb the peace. He wants everything in an uproar. He specializes in chaos. However, "God is a God, not of confusion, but of peace" (1 Cor 14:33). He is "happy to see good order among" us and the firmness of our faith in Christ (Col 2:5). We should not let anything agitate or terrify us – even rumors about the end of the world (2 Thes 2:2). What if "the consummation of all is close at hand" (see 1 Pt 4:7)? We should still not be perturbed. Rather, we should remain calm so that we will be able to pray (1 Pt 4:7).

Our lives are founded on the rock of faith in Jesus and obedience to His Word (Mt 7:24). "The Lord is my life's Refuge; of whom should I be afraid?" (Ps 27:1) "Though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war be waged upon me, even then will I trust" (Ps 27:3). As Jesus slept in the midst of a storm (Mt 8:25), so can we. We have a peace beyond understanding (Phil 4:7). We are "able to lead undisturbed and tranquil lives in perfect piety and dignity" (1 Tm 2:2). When the devil tries to pressure, manipulate, and stampede us, we can say: "I have stilled and quieted my soul like a weaned child. Like a weaned child on its mother's lap, so is my soul within me" (Ps 131:2). "The peace of the Lord be with you always."

PRAYER: Father, console our "hearts and strengthen them for every good work and word" (2 Thes 2:17).
PROMISE: "He shall rule the world with justice and the peoples with His constancy." –Ps 96:13
PRAISE: St. Rose stilled her heart by being a daily communicant and by spending long hours in prayer. She found peace in her prayerful relationship with the Lord.

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Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:

· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College