
One Bread, One Body - Reflection for October 19, 2019


"Hence, all depends on faith, everything is grace." —Romans 4:16

All depends on faith — marriage, parenting, finances, health, education, happiness, security, etc. Therefore, in every area of our lives, we should seek opportunities to act in faith. We should not try to maintain the status quo but break new ground by acting in faith.

Would daily prayer with your spouse take faith? If so, do it. Would having another child take faith? Whatever it takes, "walk by faith" (2 Cor 5:7). Where are the faith opportunities in your life? Would it take more faith to quit or continue your job? Would home-schooling your children take faith? How much money would you need to give to God's work to be in a position of faith? Are your insurance policies "crutches" limiting the free exercise of your faith? Is your savings account preventing you from believing in the Lord's promise to give us our daily bread? (Mt 6:11)

In our culture, we try to be in control and operate by faith as infrequently as possible. Rather, we should maximize our faith opportunities, seeking to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7).

PRAYER: Jesus, may my life not be my own but a life of faith in You, "Who loved me and gave [Yourself] for me" (Gal 2:20).
PROMISE: "The Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment all that should be said." –Lk 12:12
PRAISE: St. John de Brébeuf with other North American missionaries were captured, tortured, mutilated, and killed by North American natives as they worked to spread the faith in Jesus.

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Reprinted with permission from Presentation Ministries, a lay association of the Catholic Church that focuses on evangelization and discipleship through Bible teaching, daily Mass, the charisms of the Holy Spirit, and Small Christian Community. Their ministries include:

· One Bread, One Body
· Daily Bread Radio Program
· Annual Bible Institute
· Discipleship Retreats
· Guadalupe Bible College